Missions & Outreach

Who we support

  • ASCI accredited Trinity Christian School meets on our campus. Roughly 400 students from Kindergarten through 12th Grade receive a classical as well as Christian Education. Although the school is independent of the Church, there is a close ministry connection. To learn more about Trinity Christian School, visit there website at: www.trinitychristianaz.com.

  • Willow Hills supports Church plants and new church development:

    - Generations Church in Cordes Lakes, AZ. Generationssbc.com
    - Dewey Fellowship in Dewey, AZ. Deweyfellowship.church
    - Sedona Ministerio Cristiano in Sedona, AZ.

  • - English as a Second language (ESL) classes for immigrants
    - Support for students and faculty at Taylor Hicks Elementary School
    - Yavapai County Food Bank
    - Caring for spiritual and physical needs of a local nursing home
    - On campus ministry at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
    - Active benevolence (assistance) ministry to those in financial difficulty.
    - Regular mission trips to the Navajo Nation in Arizona

  • - Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry
    - Mission trips to Costa Rica
    - Support for school children in India
    - Partnership with indigenous pastors in India working with unreached people groups
    - Partnership with local pastors in Costa Rica who are planting churches
    - Support of missionaries and mission work within Muslim countries (restricted for their safety)