Join us Sunday @ 8a, 9:30a, or 11a
We believe that music has a powerful impact on each person; yet various styles of music impact people differently. With this in mind, we have services with two different styles of worship, but whichever you choose, you can be sure you will hear Christ centered teaching from God’s Word that is applicable to your life.
Our worship services at 8:00a and 9:30a in the Gym is led by the choir and orchestra centered on the cherished hymns. The service at 11a in the Gym is led by our praise and worship team focusing on newer worship songs. The message is the same at all 3 services.
What To Expect
When you arrive you will be greeted by people who are genuinely happy to see you. Our service begins with engaging, live worship through music, followed by an expository message from the Bible. This means that we actually teach from the Bible, helping you to understand it and apply it to your life. All of this takes place in a casual and friendly environment where everyone is welcome, and everyone can belong.
A Few Fun Facts.
Visitor Guides
The first time anywhere can be an adventure, but don’t worry, we have your back! Our visitor guides are ready to meet you at the door, help you find your place, and answer any questions along the way.
From nursery to grade school, we have a wide range of kid groups that meet Sunday mornings.
Childcare Available
Sunday Morning Studies
Relationships are important not only spiritual growth, but we grow as we care for one another, serve with each other and build deeper relationships. That’s why we encourage everyone who attends to join a Life Group or Sunday School class.
What to Expect.
What Should I Wear?
At Willow Hills, we are not focused on what you wear. Most of those who attend Sunday morning worship dress in business casual or casual attire. Come comfortable as you are, whether that be in shorts, jeans, dresses, suits, etc.
Where Should I Park?
We have parking available on either side of the Gym building. As you enter the driveway, you may continue straight ahead or turn left at the first entrance. You will see signs for overflow parking, but this is for members and regular attendees! We encourage guests and visitors to park in one of the main parking lots. We have a golfcart running throughout the parking lots before the 9:30a and 11a services.
Which Version Of The Bible Do We Use?
Whereas there are several good translations of the Bible in use today, here at Willow Hills we teach and preach from the English Standard Version (ESV).
Is Childcare Provided?
We offer children’s Sunday School for ages birth through 6th grade during the 9:30a church service and for ages birth through 5 years old during the 11a church service.
What about my teens?
Youth meet in small groups to develop community, allowing each student to know God and build relationships with others. Lessons are taught and midweek devotions are available for personal and family study. Youth meet at 9:30a and 5:00p

Have A Question?
We get it… And we’re here to help! If you have any questions about who where are, where we’re at, or how we do things, just ask!
Visit Us
1071 Mogollon Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86301
8a, 9:30a, & 11a
(928) 445-5520