Other Ministries
Sunday mornings:
9:30aWorship in the gym
10:45a Bible Study in the “B” building
Honoring our value of “Individual Significance,” our ministry cares for adults with special needs. Dedicated teachers use a curriculum designed for those with mental disabilities, and other activities are planned throughout the year. -
We have ASL translating at our 9:30a Sunday Worship Service. This service includes a sign language interpreter for both the music and message portions of worship. If you are needing this service, please sit toward the front on the right side when you walk in.
A group of prayer warriors meet each Sunday morning at 10:15a Wednesday afternoon at 3:45p at the Church for intercessory prayer. This is open to all!
A group of ladies, young and old, experienced and beginners, gather not only for knitting, but for prayer and fellowship. We meet each Tuesday at 2:30p at the Church.
Our church library contains a collection of over 4,000 items, including books, DVD’s, audio books, and sermons on CD. Our goal is to provide Christian entertainment through clean and uplifting stories and literature that will add to Christian growth, discipleship and Bible study. We have content for all ages, children through adults.
The library is located in the “A” building. We are open on Sunday mornings between services and on Wednesdays 6p-8p.